Back to R. W. Scott -- Birds in Flight
Samples of uses made of R. W. Scott photos.
I routinely give permission to artists, educators, and students to use
my photos as the basis of their own compositions, term papers, and
many other other non-commercial, not-for-profit educational uses. However, please email for permission! To request a license, please decode this email address by removing junk: junkhome@junkgregscott.junkcom.
If you're doing a term paper or thesis, an acknowledgement and copyright notice are generally required.
We also license our images for a fee, where the use is commercial or for profit in
nature. To request a license, please decode this email address by removing junk: junkhome@junkgregscott.junkcom.
Returning a digital image for our private enjoyment or for publication
here is appreciated. If you want an image published, please provide
captions, links to your home page, copyright info, acknowledgements of
other sources, or other pertinent information.
Quilt by C. Cullen, based on a cardinal photo by R. W. Scott.

This work pleases me (Greg Scott) very much, and also I like it because of the "back story".
I don't have permission to give the specifics, but I will say that it was done to bring special honor to a friend,
and that's something we should all remember to do when we can.
Composite image by Frank Dwyer

Dear Mr. Scott:
Thank you for giving me permission to use photo # 16, of the sceech owl
in flight. In January, I will be exhibiting my composite image at our
annual meeting of the Kamloops Naturalists Association. I will also
inform the birders in our small club (that's most of them) about your
wonderful photo gallery. The images are truly remarkable.
You might be interested in knowing hat the trees in the photograph were
a group of aspens that I photographed in the Chilcotin country near
here (Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada). They are the tallest I have
ever seen. The photo was taken in daylight. I added the night sky and
moon separately.There are some lighting issues, but I hope we can
overlook these.
I am an amateur photographer. I want to ensure that the young
naturalists in our club, we have a small group of children associated,
also see this composite. Although I have some reservations about the
use of computer manipulation, one legitimate use is I think to show
dramatic (I hope) representations of creatures in their habitats. So long as
viewers know that these are constructions.
Nothing we can do with computers approaches the drama of real life. We
can however see the wonder of flight and the beauty of birds in your
original photos.
I thank you and wish you a very Merry Christmas
Frank Dwyer, Kamloops
Composite image by Cory Blackford
Yescapade 2002 Poster and T-shirt art, Paul and Kristie Rogers.
This is a case of commercial use of the image, but because the artists were not being paid,
or were working more for love than money, I granted them rights in exchange for a couple of T-Shirts.
This was quite a bit "cheaper" than the usual fee, but I might have been swayed the fact that I enjoy the
music of Yes. As it turned out, the web page which details the evolution of the artwork was very
enjoyable to read. I liked to read about the imagery in the mind of the artists, and the
decisions they made along the way.
This page shows the development of the art: Evolution of the Hummingbird
You can buy a poster here: Yescapade Art by Red Moon Design
In this link, artist Beverly J. Hanna has mutated a cardinal into a sweet
Stravinski's Firebird. [Note: All blame for the pun is mine. GJS]
(c) Copyright 2004 J. Nathan Matias. All Rights Reserved.
The posters below are available at
I think that perhaps blue jays are the school mascot, so this graphic
artist really liked the Jays. But who can resist the cardinals, just
for a little contrast?
Normally, we would charge a fee for using our images on posters, but I
don't think that we did in this case, because of the educational,
non-profit use of the images.
Note that the "large thumbnails" below seem to be drafts. Be sure to
see the website above for info on how to get the posters in their final

The two posters below are based on my own shots, I believe, in spite of
the attribution in the cardinal photo.
So my dad wins, 6:2 or 7:1, depending on if I'm right about that...

The images have also been used for biology textbooks
Some have been published in magazines.
Some have been used as art to embellish technical papers.
Some have been used in museum exhibits.
If you know of specific uses of the above, or others I haven't listed, I'd appreciate an email.
Decode this email address by removing junk: junkhome@junkgregscott.junkcom.